Financial Controllers, are you using a Rolling Cashflow Forecast to steer you through the Pandemic?

A surprising number outside the Finance team don’t give a second thought to the businesses cashflow. They just assume it is being managed and there is always enough cash available. That assumption falls on you as the Financial Controller to manage and prepare cashflow forecasts to guide the business through the bumps in the road that need managing. With a rolling cashflow forecast, you can add on the forecast for the rest of the year to your year-to-date actuals which means you don’t need to wait until you get to the top of the mountain to see the way ahead.

By moving away from a backward looking to a forward-looking perspective, this is one of the most useful aspects provided to the business by the management accounting function. By being clear about the way ahead you will be able to advise the business on the ups, downs, bumps, and surpluses. It gives you time to find new finance or move around payments before you get to pinch points, considerably reducing your stress levels and helping you to manage expectations, after all no one likes surprises.

What happens if that large customer receipt doesn’t arise? Are you likely to breach your covenants? Can you afford to pay the latest dividend? Have we put enough by for the latest tax or loan payment? The list is almost endless of things you are expected to manage.

Awesome Forecast is cashflow forecasting software that allows you to create a P&L, Balance Sheet and Cashflow Forecast for up to five years. You can create a budget cashflow forecast or update your results monthly in a rolling cashflow forecast. All this in a chart of accounts which is customizable to your reporting format too, giving you a central place for all your numbers.

Automatically generated visuals and a scenario tool allow you to stress test your numbers and show you where pressure points are.

Dive down from Monthly to Daily cashflow with the 13-week daily cashflow Forecast so you can focus on the short term as well as the longer-term objectives.

Show the business you are on top of the numbers with Awesome Forecast.

For a free no obligation 7-day trial, Visit








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